Every year the Catholic Daughters of America, led by Charlene Osborn, provide a generous Thanksgiving Meal for our members. Due to the COVID pandemic, they were not able to serve a meal in 2021. However, they decided to maintain their commitment to blessing our community and served a “Gratitude” Meal on March 26th.
It was such a great time, as our members came in and out throughout the day, feeling nourished and cherished by these wonderful ladies. At any given moment, there were about 40-60 people eating, laughing, and experiencing the healing power of community. At the Everett Recovery Café, we are conscious of the fact that many of our members who are unhoused experience many doors closing in their faces, and affordable housing is getting more and more difficult to come by.
It is investments like this Gratitude Meal and loving people like the Catholic Daughters of America who are letting those in recovery know that they are valued and worthy of love and support.
Thank you, Catholic Daughters of America, and to all of our other wonderful partners!