Recovery Coach Academy

The CCAR Recovery Coach Training is offered through the Recovery Coach Academy. Trainings at the Café are designed to prepare participants with the skills necessary to successfully deliver Recovery Coach Services to individuals in recovery. Coaches seek to provide support, mentor, and guide persons on the path to recovery from substance use, mental health, and/or physical health related issues.

What is a Recovery Coach?

A Recovery Coach is an individual in sustained recovery who assists others in recovery from substance use, mental health, and/or physical health issues by removing barriers and obstacles to recovery and serving as a personal guide and mentor.

Recovery Coaches are making their place within our community. There are many different names for what a Coach does, but what distinguishes a Recovery Coach from other peer positions is that they stay in the lane of providing support for people in recovery from an addition to alcohol and/or other drugs.

What do Recovery Coaches do?

  • Ask powerful questions and help people in recovery make decisions about how to improve their lives. 
  • Help people find resources and create Recovery Wellness Plans, designed to help them make progress in recovery. 
  • Support all paths to recovery. 
  • Support positive change, helping people who sought treatment to avoid relapse and build community support. 
  • Help people achieve life goals disrupted by the trauma of addiction, homelessness and mental health challenges. 
  • Provide encouragement and reminders of accomplishments.

About the RCA

CCAR offers a variety of training opportunities virtually, so anyone, anywhere, can access their nationally and internationally recognized training to become a coach or sharpen skills. Many people start with the 30-hour CCAR Recovery Coach Academy©, which was conceived in 2008 in response to the needs of volunteers in the CCAR Recovery Community Centers. They asked for more training to better handle the variety of scenarios and situations generated from recoverees who frequented CCAR’s Recovery Community Centers. This included engagement and communication skills. When graduates returned from the academy, they started calling themselves “Recovery Coaches”.

CCAR trainings offered at the Everett Recovery Café

CCAR Recovery Coach Academy (30 hours) 30 CEU’S

A 5-day, intensive training academy focusing on providing individuals with the skills need to guide, mentor, and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain longterm recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Recovery Coach Academy participants will:

  • Describe Recovery Coaches role and functions
  • List the components, core values, and guiding principles of recovery
  • Build skills to enhance relationships
  • Explore many dimensions of recovery and recovery coaching
  • Discover attitudes about self disclosure and sharing your story
  • Understand the stages of recovery
  • Describe the stages of change and their applications
  • Increase their awareness of culture, power and privilege
  • Address ethical and boundaries issues
  • Experience recovery wellness planning
  • Practice newly acquired skills

CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches (16 hours) 16 CEU’S

There are lots of Ethics trainings available to us. Recovery Coaches need an understanding of ethics that differs from those of clinicians due to their unique role while guiding someone through their own recovery process. Participants who complete this training will:

  • Understand what ethics are and why ethics are so important when performing Recovery Coach Services
  • Learn how to stay in your lane as a recovery coach
  • Understand the decision making process
  • Develop guidelines for making ethical decisions
  • Apply the new learning to your every day work as a RC

CCAR Recovery Coaching and Professionalism (12 hours) 12 CEU’S

Recovery coaches are beginning to be recognized as being successful parts of an individuals recovery process, leading many organizations interested in hiring recovery coaches. Professionalism and Coaching go hand in hand in this 2-day training. Participants in the training will:

  • Define professionalism as it pertains to recovery coaching
  • Learn about and develop the various characteristics that a professional possesses
  • Understand their personal accountabilities in their role as recovery coaches
  • Learn the importance of the concept ‘stay in their lane’ when it comes to working in a large system, like a hospital, court and/or treatment system
  • Reexamine the roles of a recovery coach in order to maintain good boundaries when working in professional settings
  • Have opportunities to practice and demonstrate newly acquired skills

CCAR Recovery Coaching Basics (6 hours) 6 CEU’S

This is a one day, 6 hour training structured to provide participants with an understanding of the recovery process and how a Recovery Coach is instrumental along that path. Participants in this course will learn to:

  • Define and increase fluency in the language of recovery
  • Build capacity to understand, support and advocate for recovery
  • Learn about specific skill sets key to supporting recovery
  • Create a learning community to advance the recognition, acceptance, and support of recovery

Registration for these trainings is required. To inquire about these trainings and/or to register, please fill out the form below. To see our 2024 Training Schedule and to register, click here.

We are a proud Member of the

Recovery Café Network