Sneak Peek

Everett Recovery Café

You are invited to the SNEAK PEEK!
~a fundraising event at our new location.
Join us for hearty appetizers, musical performances, and a peek at our new facility plans and progress. Come be a part of constructing our community!

When? Saturday, June 22, 2019
Starts at 5 PM
Keynote at 6 PM

Tours ongoing

Where? 2804 Grand Avenue, Everett

Tickets are $80.00 per individual

Everett Recovery Café

P.O. Box 2373

Everett, WA 98213

To purchase tickets: Send a check to the mailing address above or donate online referencing the Sneak Peek Fundraiser.

More information: or call Sharon at 425.290.2924

We are a proud Member of the

Recovery Café Network