

Andrew’s Story

See a short clip of Andrew’s journey from 10 years of homelessness and addiction to sobriety. Click on the video below.

In Preparation to Move!

Hello and welcome! We are preparing to make our long-awaited move into our new space at 1212 California Ave in Everett. We are incredibly grateful for all of the hard work in time, patience, energy, and support we have received to get to this point.  Thank you. Things are being finished up, and we are

Marla’s story

In 2006, My mom worked at the YMCA in downtown Seattle. I would walk by the Recovery Cafe on 2nd and Bell where meetings were held and lunch was served. People who had struggles were welcome there. I hung out and became a member and attended a couple of 12 step meetings and recovery circles.

Volunteer Profile: Sharon

I volunteer at the Café as a “POP”; a “person of presence”.  I meet and greet both members I know well and those coming through the door for the first time.  I drink coffee, eat lunch, chat, and listen. Since I’ve been a POP for more than 3 years, I witness amazing stories of personal

Volunteer Profile: Chandler

Chandler is one of our most dedicated volunteers. He serves on our Board of Directors and also can be seen almost every day we have a work party at our new space helping to get that prepared for us to move in. “Like a number of people involved with the cafe, I’m in recovery myself. I’ve

We are a proud Member of the

Recovery Café Network